Finding Park Caverns: Part 4

Finding Park Caverns: Part 4

It’s been a while since I posted! College has been………fun if you know what I mean. But now I’m done and ready for a summer full of caverns!

Last Friday, May 11, I returned to Park Caverns to continue digging. This time, I brought my brother Dylan out to help haul rocks. Denise also told me that someone named Justin would be joining to help me dig. He had come out a week prior and did some digging with a rock chipper. He had apparently made The Hole way bigger, so I was excited to check it out!

First Dig photo

First Dig photo

Fourth Dig photo

Fourth Dig photo

Once there, I jump right into The Hole and the size surprised me. The photo on the left is from the first dig and on the right is how it is now. So much has changed since then and I feel that we are close to finding this third room. Justin had also hit a small air pocket, so we first cleared out some loose sediment and rock chunks so we could explore it better. The Hole is so long now that one person can sit in the below and another in the passage itself. In the future, we will need more people to finish this project.

Boulder blocking the passage

Boulder blocking the passage

The opening in this space is cut in half by a giant boulder, so the opening is quite small, probably only about 10”. I squeezed the upper half of my body through it and this is what I saw.

Air Pocket

Air Pocket

The space is small, but the rocks in there are all loose. I could easily pick up pieces and toss them to the side to make it leveler. On the other side of the boulder, Justin said there are some small vertical holes that go down about 6 feet. However, this boulder blocked our pathway so we could not do much.

Hole in Ceiling

Hole in Ceiling

I also saw this hole leading upward. My theory is that this leads up the draft felt in The Nameless Room because they are both in similar areas. 

I’m going back this Friday to continue digging. Justin is bringing a rock chipper and we plan to work all day long. I also want to see if my hypothesis about the hole in the ceiling is correct or not. Maybe we will finally be able to hit this mysterious third room.